Add an existing project to GitHub from command line
Create a new repository on GitHub
Open terminal and change the current working directory to your local project
- git init
- git commit -m “first commit”
- git remote add origin
- git push -u origin master
In step 3 the URL can be obtained from the GitHub repositories Quick Setup page. Copy the ssh link which has this format:
(Do not use the https url. You will be asked to enter username and password with the https url)
verify new remote url git remote -v
Clone a remote git repository on your local machine
git clone <remote_repo>
git clone -b <branch> <remote_repo>
git clone -b develop
Git commands
pull from remote branch (master) to local (origin)
git pull origin master
push from local branch (origin) to remote branch (master)
git push origin master
create new branch
git checkout -b test-branch-1
switch to another branch
git checkout test-branch-2
push a new local branch to remote git repository
git push -u origin test-branch-2
pull from remote branch (test-branch) to local (origin)
git pull origin test-branch
push from local branch (origin) to remote branch (test-branch)
git push origin test-branch
merge local branch with master:
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git merge test-branch
rename local branch
if you are on the branch you want to rename:
git branch -m new-name
if you are on a different branch
git branch -m old-name new-name
delete file from git repository
git rm file.txt
delete directory from git repository
git rm -r folder-name
create git branch from another branch
If you want to create a new branch branch2 from existing branch branch1
git checkout branch1
git checkout -b branch2 branch1
merge two local branches If you have branch Master, branch1 and branch2. To merge branch2 into branch1
git checkout branch1
git merge branch2
git add all
Stage all files in your repository, which includes all new, modified and deleted files.
git add -A
git add --all
Add all files under folder vendor
git add -A vendor
undo git add
git reset <file_name>
undo all files that were added
git reset
remove all local untracked files
remove all local untracked files (local changes that have not yet been commited) from a dir, so only git tracked files remain
git clean -fd <some-dir>
-d recurse into untracked directories. -d is irrelevant if any paths are specified.
-f --force
-i --interactive Show what would be done and clean files interactively
-n --dry-run show what would be done. Don't actually remove anything
revert uncommited changes
Revert uncommitted changes only to particular file or directory:
git checkout [some_dir|file.txt]
undo file delete
git checkout HEAD <filename>
Restoring file delete:
Delete local branch
The local branch should not be current while deleting it. Switch to some other branch before deleting it.
git branch -d <branch_name>
Delete remote branch
git push origin --delete <branch_name>
Show history of changes on a file
git annotate <file-name>
Change commit message (when commit has not been pushed online)
git commit --amend
press Enter. In the vi editor edit the commit message and save
See the remote repository your project is pointing to
git remote -v
Stage a file for removal
file is not removed from the working dir. The file will then be shown as untracked.
untrack all files
git rm -r --cached .
untrack specific file
git rm --cached foo.txt
Remove all version tracking from a projrcts directory
rm -rf .git
Find hash of branch
git rev-parse <branch>
git rev-parse master
Revert a git merge (link)
1. find hash of the branch you want to revert
git rev-parse master
2. Use the hash to revert a merge
git revert -m 1 17f2303133734f4b9a9aacfe52209e04ec11aff4
Deploy your static website with Github Pages
Push your static website to a git repository
Go to the settings page of your repository and scroll to the bottom where it says Danger Zone. Change the visibility to public.
Scroll down to the GitHub Pages section and chose the source branch. (example - master). Select folder root and click "Save" button.
A message with a url where your site is published at will appear under the GitHub Pages section of the settings page.
Enter the URL link in a browser to launch your static website.